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BES students decorate village tree

Saturday evening at 6 p.m., the village of Brownstown will hold a celebration, “Christmas on Main Street,” with lighting of the Community Christmas Tree.

There will be hot chocolate, cookies and Christmas caroling, and Santa Claus will be here to visit the children and give them a gift, all of it making special memories.
It is a special celebration for the birthday of Jesus, and the young people of the community have again made decorations for the tree.
The word community tends to make one to think of an area in which the residents form a rather closely-knit relationship with one another and together work to maintain and better their hometown for all concerned.
It has become a tradition in Brownstown for the young school children to make decorations for the community Christmas tree, bringing all ages together for a special celebration of Christmas.
Fayette Faces featured this week are …
… the fifth-grade class of Brownstown Elementary School. The Brownstown Village Hall started the practice more than 20 years years ago of inviting the Brownstown students to make the ornaments for the community Christmas tree.
The ages and grades of the students participating varied from year to year, and all were a blessing to the community as they decorated the tree, just across from the village hall on Main Street.
The younger children enjoyed making the ornaments, older children helped to hang the ornaments on the tree and the people of the village appreciated their efforts and the colorful array of homemade Christmas tree decorations.
One year, an ornament brought special joy to a child who was unable to attend school and, therefore, could not help with the tree.
When she was taken to see the tree, one ornament especially touched her. It was a star, and when the boy who made it heard about it, he made one especially for her tree at home.
Marsha Jenkin’s Fifth-Grade Art Class …
… has been busy drawing and painting ornaments, excited and enthused to be making the decorations for the Community Christmas tree this year.
Mrs. Jenkins, with ingenuity and artistic imagination, obtained some wood pallets, sawed them into small blocks and presented them to the art students to draw on and paint, creating pretty but simple and economic-wise ornaments for the community tree.
Christmas trees are special and so is the season, which brings them into our home.
It is good to see the young people decorating our community Christmas tree, with symbols of Christmas that they crafted in our school classrooms with their own creative hands.
It is good to see the village leaders carrying on the tradition of inviting the BES community school children to participate.
And isn’t that what the spirit of Christmas is all about? Caring for others … and the last four letters of community, are unity.
Be sure to come see the lighting of the community Christmas tree and admire the children’s work. It might give you special memories, as the children will have when seeing their ornaments on the tree.



Brownstown fifth-grader Colter White paints an ornament for the village Christmas tree.

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