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Vandalia Court will host CDA workshop

The September CDA Meeting was called to order by Regent Debby Themig, who opened the meeting with the pledge, which was followed by a memorial service for Cara Kelly.
Cheryl Gale and Dietgard Hunsley were installed as new members. Eighteen officers and members were present.
Reports of chairmen were given. Under leadership, Risé Sahr welcomed new members and encouraged everyone to continue BOGO (Bring One, Get One).
Under quality of life, Marlys Hayner reported she continued to take Communion through the summer to four CDA members, and also picked up peanut butter, jelly and rosaries from them. The summer lunch program served 5,112 lunches total.  
The legislation report was also given by Hayner. She reported she was again at the pro-life booth (Save the Baby Humans) at the county fair, and many people were glad it was there.
There was a Lighthouse Pregnancy Center representative there every night, as well.
Under national projects, Grace Thull advised that she has collected several rosaries and will be sending them off to the Apposolate of the Sea soon.
Themig advised that the Vandalia Court would host the state CDA workshop on Sept. 19 at the Mother of Dolors Parish Center.  It would start with Mass at 8:30 a.m., followed by a continental breakfast, registration and then the workshop.
She encouraged everyone to attend to show the court support.
The court will furnish lunch so volunteers were needed to bring breakfast foods and desserts, and clean up as well.    
Themig advised that CDA Sunday is Oct. 18.
It was decided that Themig would make a short presentation at all Masses that weekend regarding CDA.
Themig advised that the national projects would no longer have their own Circle of Love category and the new category is “Family.”  
Pat Jackson showed the quilt she finished that was donated by Chris Mars a few years ago. It was decided that the CDA would do a quilt raffle this year and postpone the Butterbraids at this time.
Another fundraiser of T-shirt sales was brought up, and Joanna Helm advised she would check and get more details for the October meeting.
Themig also reminded members about the religious books library that she keeps for all members to check out books.
The September Mass will be said for the refugees.  
The Traveling Mary went to Cheryl Gale.
The next meeting was Oct. 5 in Ramsey at St. Joseph’s, with rosary before the meeting at 6:30. The closing prayer led by Debby Themig and Cheryl Gale was for priests.
The door prizes were won by Rosamond Hobler and Lura Tarter.

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