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We must re-evaluate our commitments, priorities

Many of today’s young adults were not the No. 1 object of their parents' affection.

They grew up in homes where family was not the top priority of their parents' lives. The issues and problems they are facing today should not come as a surprise to anyone.
The problems these people experience include adjusting to life, making good choices, disciplining themselves, relating to the people they love, establishing a structured home, restraining fleshly passions, finding inner peace and contentment, attitude, true happiness, and rearing children in a peaceful and pleasant environment.
These issues are most likely yours if your parents did not nurture you in a home where mother and father lived together in love and harmony, trust and respect, and without abuse, violence, open rebuke and arguing.
Society is sure to decline below the point of recovery if today’s younger generation cannot restore values higher than they have seen demonstrated.  My generation has done a poor job of upholding the values essential to an orderly society.  Although our parents generally set a wonderful example, we have spurned their discipline, cast aside restraint and practiced a selfish lifestyle. The children of my generation have been the victims of divorce, drugs, self-indulgence, and unwholesome music and entertainment. We have produced a generation unfamiliar with self-respect and decency.
Their children, our grandchildren, have grown up frustrated with living conditions.  They have been in the way and pushed aside so their parents could go about pleasing themselves. Many children today have no concept of structure and unconditional love. They have no idea how such love can be achieved and, for the most part, have no idea of the possibility of its existence.
A time comes when a society degenerates beyond the possibility of recovery. Ignorance of normalcy precludes the ability of attaining it.
Parenting is a 24/7 responsibility, done with joy. Parenting cannot be done during commercials, in our spare time, while we stare at a computer screen or are otherwise preoccupied with our own agenda. Our children must be our agenda. Children must know that they are loved all the time, and are never unwanted. They must not feel that their parents delight in finding somewhere else for them to be. Television and movies should never be the built-in babysitter, or even an obsession of parents.
Family time is essential to a child’s mental well-being.  Children should never be allowed to think that they are in the way – or even could be.  A parent should never delight when they send their children off to school, a sitter or with someone else. Home should be a child’s sanctuary. Coming home should be an exciting and joyous occasion. The presence of one’s kids must never be dreaded.  If it is, the parent needs to re-evaluate what he wants most out of life.
I believe that, as a nation, we are near the end of any possibility of recovering our values and nurturing stable, productive citizens. When that time comes, only catastrophe can ensue. Our way of life, our beliefs and our freedom will fail.
We live in the greatest nation that the world has ever seen. We have set the standard for democracy and freedom. Tremendous sacrifices were made to establish our way of life. We are about to dispossess all those efforts for a disgraceful display of lust and shameful treatment of our children.
We must re-evaluate our commitments, the things most important to us, and train our children in the way they should go. Let us reclaim our priorities, deny ourselves and build character in everyone around us, especially our children.
If you are one who has experienced a less-than-happy childhood, get help now! Counseling can work wonders.
Start with biblical principles. They are offered free in the Bible.  Get yourself and your family in a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church. Give your heart and life to Jesus; he will never disappoint you, shame you, reject you or leave you.
Help is available. Do not waste your life in a disgraceful lifestyle. You can be better, regardless of your past.


Dr. Olen Evans • First Baptist Church, Brownstown

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